Tag Archives: Whale


Sent for three days and three nights
On an all-expense-paid trip
Jonah was whale-puke.  What a sight!
Not to mention, a smelly drip.

“Behold, My Servant will be
Exalted and lifted high.”
Fine sarcasm it seems to me,
Is God’s sense of humor that dry?

Sometimes I think it is, but
In Jonah’s case, perhaps not.

Only the sign of Jonah,
Offered to validate Him,
Jesus promised and delivered,
When hope was growing pretty dim.

Sent for three days and three nights,
To the belly of a grave,
Facing gruesome death and its’ frights,
Rejected, on mission to save.

So, did the earth feel nauseous
’til it vomited Jesus?

Matthew 12:38-45, Isaiah 52-53, Jonah 2:10, and yes I know it was a “big fish,” not a “whale.”