Someone Loves Me

These things tell me someone loves me:
A pretty present under a tree,
A conversation and a cup of tea
A gentle hug, an encouraging word,
A dog that warms my feet, or a cat that’s purred,
Because I’m as insignificant as a bird,
But I matter
I am noticed
Someone cares.

These things tell me someone loves me:
Food, laughter, friends and family,
Lights, ornaments, songs and cookies,
Celebrating a moment in history:
God, Emmanuel has come, a baby
It’s more than just a nice children’s story
He is The Truth.
He came for us.

These things tell me Someone loves me:
Bethlehem’s child decorating a tree,
To pay the price of my penalty,
This is the best news that I’ve ever heard,
His gift means my eternity is secured
This cup, my redemption, He endured
Child, ornament,
His life for mine,
What a gift!

1 thought on “Someone Loves Me

  1. Sojna

    Michael… your Christmas poems. And indeed they are the ways I feel loved as well. Thank you Jesus for your gift of love.


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